Send your answers to the following questions to ROMVLVS IVLIVS CONSTANTINVS as a Private Message. Answer the questions with a Yes or No unless otherwise specified.
Answer Item Numbers 1 - 18. If you answer "yes," to any of these questions please provide an explanation.
1. Have you EVER claimed to be a citizen of the SPQR (in writing or any other way)?
2. Have you EVER voted in any election of the SPQR?
3. Do you now have, or did you EVER have, a hereditary title or an order of nobility in any country? If you answered "yes," list your titles or orders of nobility in your explanation.
4. Have you EVER been declared legally incompetent or been confined to a mental institution?
5. Do you owe any overdue taxes either to the SPQR or the government of your residence?
6. A. Have you EVER been a member of, involved in, or in any way associated with, any organization, association, fund, foundation, party, club, movement, or similar group whose purpose is the restoration of the SPQR or Roman culture?
B. If you answered "Yes," enter the name of such organization(s) below:
7. Have you EVER been a member of, or in any way associated (directly or indirectly with):
A. The Communist Party or Marxist organization?
B. Any other totalitarian or fascist party?
C. A terrorist organization?
D. Any identitarian, so-called “social justice”, or racist organization?
8. Have you EVER advocated (either directly or indirectly) the overthrow of any government by force or violence?
9. Have you EVER persecuted (either directly or indirectly) any person because of race, religion, national origin, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion?
10. Did you work for or associate with (either directly or indirectly):
A. The Nazi government of Germany?
B. Any government in any area occupied by, allied with, or established with the help of the Nazi government of Germany?
C. Any Nazi German or S.S. military or paramilitary unit, self defense unit, vigilante unit, citizen unit, police unit, government agency or office, extermination camp, concentration camp, prisoner of war camp, prison, labor camp, or transit camp?
11. Were you EVER involved in any way with any of the following? A. Genocide?
B. Torture?
C. Killing, or trying to kill, someone?
D. Badly hurting, or trying to hurt, a person on purpose?
E. Forcing, or trying to force, someone to have any kind of sexual contact or relation?
F. Not letting someone practice his or her religion?
12. Were you EVER a member of, or did you EVER serve in, help, or otherwise participate in, any of the following groups:
A. Military unit?
B. Paramilitary unit (a group of people who act like a military group but are not part of the official military)?
C. Police unit?
D. Self-defense unit?
E. Vigilante unit (a group of people who act like the police, but are not part of the official police)?
F. Rebel group?
G. Guerrilla group (a group of people who use weapons against or otherwise physically attack the military, police, government, or other people)?
H. Militia (an army of people, not part of the official military)?
I. Insurgent organization (a group that uses weapons and fights against a government)?
13. Were you EVER a worker, volunteer, or soldier, or did you otherwise EVER serve in any of the following: A. Prison or jail?
B. Prison camp?
C. Detention facility (a place where people are forced to stay)?
D. Labor camp (a place where people are forced to work)?
E. Any other place where people are forced to stay?
14. Were you EVER a part of any group, or did you EVER help any group, unit, or organization that used as weapon against any person, or threaten to do so?
A. If you answered "Yes," when you were a part of this group, or when you helped this group, did you ever use a weapon against another person?
B. If you answered "Yes," when you were a part of this group, or when you helped this group,did you ever tell another person that you would use a weapon against that person?
15. Did you EVER sell, give, or provide weapons to any person, or help another person sell, give or provide weapons to any person?
A. If you answered "Yes," did you know that this person was going to use the weapons against another person?
B. If you answered "Yes," did you know that this person was going to sell or give the weapons to someone who was going to use them against another person?
16. Did you EVER receive any type of military, paramilitary (a group of people who act like a military group but are not part of the official military), or weapons training?
17. Did you EVER recruit (ask, enlist (sign up), conscript (require), or use any person under 15 years of age to serve in or help an armed force or group?
18. Did you EVER use any person under 15 years of age to do anything that helped or supported people in combat?
If any of Item Numbers 19. - 26. apply to you, you must answer "Yes".
19. Have you EVER committed, assisted in committing, or attempted to commit, a crime or offense for which you were NOT arrested?
20. Have you EVER been arrested, cited, or detained by any law enforcement officer for any reason?
21. Have you EVER been charged with committing, attempting to commit, or assisting in committing a crime or offense?
22. Have you EVER been convicted of a crime or offense?
23. Have you EVER been placed in an alternative sentencing or a rehabilitative program (for example, diversion, deferred prosecution, withheld adjudication, deferred adjudication)?
24. A. Have you EVER received a suspended sentence, been placed on probation, or been paroled?
B. If you answered "Yes," have you completed the probation or parole?
25. Have you EVER been in jail or prison?
26. If you answered "Yes" to question 25, how long were you in jail or prison? Years Months Days
27. Have you EVER:
A. Been a habitual drunkard?
B. Been a prostitute, or procured anyone for prostitution?
C. Sold or smuggled controlled substances, illegal drugs, or narcotics?
D. Been married to more than one person at the same time?
E. Married someone in order to obtain an immigration benefit?
F. Helped anyone to enter, or tried to enter, the territory claimed by the SPQR illegally?
G. Gambled illegally or received income from illegal gambling?
H. Failed to support your dependents or to pay alimony?
I. Made any misrepresentation to obtain any public benefit in the SPQR or your any nation?
28. Have you EVER given any SPQR Government officials any information or documentation that was false, fraudulent, or misleading?
29. Have you EVER lied to any government officials to gain entry or admission into the territory claimed by the SPQR?
30. Have you EVER been removed, excluded, or deported from a nation in the claimed territory of the SPQR?
31. Have you EVER had your citizenship revoked by the SPQR?
32. Have you EVER served in the armed forces of the SPQR?
33. Are you currently a member of the armed forces of the SPQR?
34. Have you EVER been court-martialed, administratively separated, or disciplined, or have you received an other than honorable discharge, while in the armed forces of the SPQR?
35. Have you EVER deserted from the armed forces of the SPQR?
Answer Item Numbers 36. - 41. If you answer "No" to any of these questions, enter an explaination here..
36. Do you support the law, senatorial decrees, and form of Government of the Senate and People of Rome?
37. Do you understand the full Oath of Allegiance to the Senate and People of Rome? (See Part 10)
38. Are you willing to take the full Oath of Allegiance to the Senate and People of Rome?
39. If the law requires it, are you willing to bear arms on behalf of the Senate and People of Rome?
40. If the law requires it, are you willing to perform noncombatant services in the armed forces of the Senate and People of Rome?
41. If the law requires it, are you willing to perform work of national importance under civilian direction?
- Posts: 50
- Joined: Sun Sep 27, 2020 12:33 am