One location for all Recognition and Citizenship information.
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Path to Citizenship


Applying for Recognition and Citizenship:

To first understand how citizenship the Senate and People of Rome works you must first understand how rights work. Within the SPQR there are three types of rights:

1. Ius Naturalis - Rights and laws that exist as a fundamental aspect of the natural world.
2. Ius Gentium - Considered to be the rights and law common among the nations. This is roughly analogous to international human rights.
3. Ius Civile - These are rights and laws that exist specifically in relation to the SPQR.Think of these more like societal privileges and responsibilities.

Because people will have different responsibilities in relationship to the SPQR their status in regards to citizenship will also be different. The Senate and People of Rome recognized six status types of status in relation to citizenship. These are:

1. Citizen - Optimo Iure - A Roman citizen with full rights, privileges, and responsibilities.
2. Citizen - Non Optimo Iure - A Roman citizen with partial rights, privileges, and responsibilities.
3. Perigrinus - Latinus - A non-citizen who joins a Roman satellite municipality.
4. Perigrinus - Provincialis - A non-citizen who is a resident of territory claimed by the Senate and People of Rome.
5. Perigrinus - Foederatus - A non-citizen who is a citizen of a foreign nation with which the SPQR has a treaty.
6. Non-citizen - Barbarus - A non-citizen and non Perigrinus that resides outside the territory claimed by the SPQR.

Use this flowchart to determine which Recognition Status you can apply for:
path_to_citizenshipsm.png (220.49 KiB) Viewed 2880 times

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