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Recognition and Citizenship Test - Questions and Answers


The 100 civics (history and government) questions and answers for the citizenship test are listed below. The civics test is an oral test and the Citizenship Officer will ask the applicant up to 15 of the 100 civics questions. An applicant must answer 14 out of 15 questions correctly to pass the civics portion of the citizenship test.

On the citizenship test, some answers may change because of elections or appointments. As you study for the test, make sure that you know the most current answers to these questions. Answer these questions with the name of the official who is serving at the time of your eligibility interview with the SPQR. The Citizenship Officer will not accept an incorrect answer.

Although SPQR is aware that there may be additional correct answers to the 100 civics questions, applicants should respond to the civics questions using the answers provided below.


A. Principles of the Republic

1. What is the Senate and People of Rome?
. It is a restoration of ancient Rome in modern times in the form of a government-in-exile with influences of all previous iterations of Rome.

2. What is a government-in-exile?
. A government-in-exile is a political group which claims to be a nation's legitimate government, but is unable to exercise legal power in that nation.

3. What territory does the Senate and People of Rome claim?

. We claim the additive total of territory of united and divided Rome at their greatest extent.

4. What activities can a government-in-exile pursue?
. Holding elections.
. Becoming a party to a bilateral or international treaty.
. Retaining, or newly obtaining, diplomatic recognition from other states.
. Amending or revising its own laws.
. Maintaining military forces.
. Issuing identity cards.

5. What is the policy of the SPQR towards nations within the claimed territory of the SPQR?
. The SPQR supports the sovereignty of these nations and desires peaceful diplomatic relations.
. The SPQR does not support the overthrow or undermining of the nations within the claimed territory.
. The SPQR supports programs to improve the quality of life for people residing within the claimed territory.

6. Name one of the three forms of Roman authority.
. Imperium is the power of military command.
. Auctorititas is the prestige or clout someone has.
. Potestas is the coercive power of a magistrate.

7. What are the four demes of the SPQR?
. Reds, Greens, Blues, and Whites.

8. What are the promises you make when you become a Roman Citizen?
. Defend the SQPR and its laws.
. Obey the laws of the SPQR.
. Serve in the military (if needed).
. Do important work for the SPQR (if needed).
. Be loyal to the SPQR.

9. What are the twelve tables?
. The first written set of laws for Romans that serve as the foundation for Roman law.

10. What are two ways Romans can participate in their Republic?
. vote (if eligible).
. join a representative office.
. help with a campaign.
. join a Roman culture group.
. give an elected official your opinion on an issue.
. publicly support or oppose an issue or policy.
. Join the Legions.
. Run for office.

B. System of Government

11. Name the three governing bodies of the Senate and People of Rome.
. Senate (SENATVS)
. Assembly of the Centuries (COMITIA CENTURIATA)

12. What is a responsibility of the Senate?
. To issue official declarations.
. To make decisions for the administration of the SPQR.

13. How long can a person serve as a Senator?
. A Senator can serve for life.

14. Name three of the magistrate offices in the Senate.
. Princeps Senatus
. Princepes Electores
. Censor
. Consul
. Proconsul
. Praetor
. Propraetor
. Aediles
. Quaestor
. Proquaestor
. Tribune of the Plebs

15. Name two responsibilities of the Princeps Senatus?
. Speak first at Senate meetings.
. Ensure Senate procedures have been followed.
. Chief diplomat and representative of the SPQR.
. Chief commander of the military.

16. How is the Princeps Senatus elected?
. The Princeps Senatus is elected from the members of the Senate by the Principes Electores.

17. How long does the Princeps Senatus serve in office?
. The Princeps Senatus can serve for life.

18. Name two responsibilities of a Princeps Elector?
. To elect the Princeps Senatus.
. Speak next in line after the Princeps Senatus in senate meetings.
. Be consulted in matters of procedure in Senate meetings.

19. What are two of the names of the current people entitled to the office of Princeps Elector?
. Jean-Christophe Napoléon
. Prince Andrew Romanov
. King Felipe VI
. Prince Dündar Ali Osman
. Karl von Habsburg
. Pope Francis

20. How is a Princeps Elector selected?
. They are selected from the male Patrilineal heir or successor of the historic Roman leadership titles.

21. How long does a Princeps Elector serve in office?
. They can serve for life.

22. Name two responsibilities of the Censors?
. Maintain the record of Senators.
. Keep Senate meeting minutes.
. Ensure promotion of morality among the SPQR.
. Oversee the Census.

23. How long do the Censors serve in office?
. One and a half years.

24. Name two responsibilities of a Consul?
. Execute laws of the SPQR.
. To preside over the Assembly of the Centuries and Tribal Assembly.

25. What are the names of the current Consuls?

26. How long does a Consul serve in office?
. A Consul can serves for one year, non consecutive, terms

27. Name two responsibilities of a Proconsul?
. To serve as governor of a province.
. To execute the laws of the SPQR.
. To serve as diplomats to the leaders of nations within their provincial territory.

28. How are Proconsuls selected?
. They are chosen by the Senate from among Senators who have served as Consul.

29. How long does a Proconsul serve in office?
. A Proconsul may serve up to one year.

30. Name the primary responsibility of a Praetor?
. To judge civil and criminal cases.

31. How long does a Praetor serve in office?
. One year.

32. Name two responsibilities of an Aedile?
. Establish and Maintain public facilities.
. Ensure promotion of morality among SPQR.
. Ensure maintenance of weights and measures.
. Supervise public games and festivals.

33. How long does an Aedile serve in office?
. One year.

34. Name two responsibilities of a Quaestor?
. To assist Proconsuls in their duties.
. To assist the Consuls in their duties.
. To Assist the Principes Electores in their duties.
. To Assist the Princeps Senatus in his duties.
. To overseer the treasury and manage finances in the SPQR.

35. How long does a Quaestor serve in office?
. One year.

36. Name two responsibilities of a Tribune of the Plebs?
. Convene the Tribal Assembly.
. Propose legislation.
. Veto the actions of Consuls or other magistrates.

37. How long does an Tribune of the Plebs serve in office?
. One year.

38. Name two responsibilities of the COMITIA CENTVRIATA.
. Represent the voice of Roman soldiers.
. Elect Consuls, Censors, and Praetors.
. Grant imperium to magistrates.

39 Which magistrates can lead the COMITIA CENTVRIATA?
. Princeps Senatus, Consul, or Praetor.

40. Who votes in the COMITIA CENTVRIATA?
. Roman soldiers and veterans.

41. Name two responsibilities of the COMITIA POPVLI TRIBVTA
. Elect Quaestors, Aediles Curulis, Tribunus Militum, and Pontifex Maximus.
. Ratify Election of Consuls.
. Elect Aediles Plebis,and Tribunes of the Plebs.
. Ratify Senate decrees into law.

42. Which magistrates can lead the COMITIA POPVLI TRIBVTA?
. Princeps Senatus, Consul, Praetor, or Tribune of the Plebs.

43. Who votes in the COMITIA POPVLI TRIBVTA?
. Roman citizens eligible to vote.

44. What are the two groups of Roman Citizens?
. Patricians, the original founders of Rome and their descendants.
. Plebeians, other citizens of Rome who came after its founding.

45. What are the citizenship and recognition categories of the SPQR?
. Optimo iure - Citizens with full rights.
. Nonoptimo Iure - Citizens with partial rights.
. Latini - Residents of a Roman population center.
. Foederati - Citizens of a nation with which the SPQR has treaty relations.
. Provinciali - Residents o fthe claimed territory of the SPQR
. Barbari - All others that do not fit in the above categories.

46. What is the CVRSVS HONORVM?
. The order and qualifications for progressing in magisterial offices.

C. Administration of Religion

47. What are two responsibilities of the Rex and Regina Sacrorum?
. To be the chief religious figures.
. To announce religious festivals.
. To administer in religious ceremonies as required.

48. What are gods that the four FLAMINES MAIORES represent?
. Jupiter.
. Mars.
. The peaceful aspects of Mars.
. The Abrahamic god.

49. What are two responsibilities of the Pontifex maximus?
. To administer divine law.
. To consecrate temples and other sacred places.
. To administer marriages and adoptions.

50. What are two responsibilities of the Vestals?
. To maintain the fire of Vesta.
. To care for sacred objects in the temple of Vesta.
. To protect wills and government documents.
. To attend public ceremonies, games, and performances.


A. Roman Kingdom

51. Who were the founders of Rome?
. Romulus and Remus

52. Name two of the kings of Rome.

B. Roman Republic

53. Who helped overthrow the kings and became Rome's first two Consuls?

54. Why did the first secession of the Plebs happen?
. The Plebeians were suffering from debt and the Senate was refusing to address their concerns.

55. How was the first secession of the Plebs resolved?
. The Plebeians were granted representation in the Senate with the office of Tribune of the Plebs.

56. What is a significant result of the Samnite wars?
. It was major victory over one of early Rome's major opponents.
. Rome gained greater territory.

57. What privileges were Plebeians granted throughout the early Republic?
. Representation in the Senate
. The privilege of holding magisterial office.
. Resolutions of the Plebeian council were binding on all Romans.

58. What is a significant result of the Punic wars?
. Rome eliminated its greatest rival in the Mediterranean.
. Rome gained control over the vast Cartheginian territory.

59. What is the significance of the deaths of TIBERIVS SEMPRONIVS GRACCHVS and GAIVS SEMPRONIVS GRACCHVS?
. They were both killed by rich elites for implementing reforms to help the poor.
. They are remembered as exampled of moral virtue and caring for the poor.

60. What is one of the innovations created by GAIVS MARIVS?
. Allowed landless poor to join the army with arms provided by the state.
. Reorganized the Legions into Cohorts.
. Soldiers were granted retirement benefits in the form of land and a pension.

61. How did GAIVS ILVIVS CAESAR help the people?
. He improved the economy by encouraging circulation of currency.
. He stood against the entrenched political elites of Rome.
. He instituted reforms to give land to the poor.

62. Why was GAIVS ILVIVS CAESAR assassinated?
. Caesar had been declared dictator for life and many Senators thought he would declaring himself a king and rule as a tyrant.

C. Autocratic Rome

63. What is one change that IMPERATOR CAESAR DIVI FILIVS AVGVSTVS brought to the Republic?
. He revived religious rites from the early Republic.
. He passed laws that encouraged public morality.
. He got rid of useless and corrupt administrators.

64. What was the PAX ROMANA?
. A period of about 200 years from the rise of Augustus that is characterized by internal peace and stability as well as prosperity and growth for the SPQR.

65. Why was Rome divided into four administrative divisions?
. To bring greater stability by decreasing the amount of territory each leader had to oversee.

66. What were the titles of the leaders of the four divisions of Rome?
. AVGVSTVS and CAESAR, there were two the west and two in the east.

67. How did FLAVIVS VALERIVS CONSTANTINVS bring an end the four ruler system?
. After many claimants to the title of AVGVSTVS arose he was able to defeat them all and Consulidate power as the sole AVGVSTVS.

68. Where did FLAVIVS VALERIVS CONSTANTINVS move the capitol of Rome to?

D. Divided Rome

69. How did Rome become split between into eastern and western halves?
. Before his death Theodosius divided Rome between his two sons FLAVIVS ARCADIVS in the east and FLAVIVS HONORIVS in the west.

70. What is one change FLAVIVS ODOACER implemented in western Rome?
. He increased the power of the Senate.
. He recognized Zeno as the authority over western rome.
. Consulidated power in Italy

71. What events caused the longest gap in western Roman existence?
. FLAVIVS THEODORICVS to invaded invaded Italy, and later killed ODOACER at a celebration feast.
. The former territory of Western Rome was under Ostrogothic control.

72. What significant contributions did FLAVIVS PETRVS SABBATIVS IVSTINIANVS make?
. Ordered the construction of the Hagia Sophia?
. Consulidated Roman law into the
. Reclaimed much of the western Roman territory through the work of his general FLAVIVS BELISARIVS

73. What title did the leaders of Eastern Rome use?
. Basileus

74. Why did Pope Leo III grant the Frankish King CAROLVS MAGNVS (Charlemagne) title of Augustus?
. He granted the title as a way to honor the accomplishments of CAROLVS MAGNVS and his protection of Christianity.

75. How did Otto get granted the title of Augustus in the west?
. He was appointed by Pope John XII after he Consulidated the Frankish kingdoms, which had divided after the death of CAROLVS MAGNVS, and conquered the Kingdom of Italy.

76. What was a cause of the Great Schism between the catholic church and the Eastern Orthodox Churches?
. Conflict about the supremacy of the leadership of the Pope.
. Disagreement about the organizational relationship of churches.
. Disagreement about the trinity

77. Name two causes of a brief end of eastern Rome during the fourth Crusade?

. Increasing conflict between the pro-crusader Latins and anti-crusader Greeks.
. The inability of ALEXIVS V DVCAS to pay the debts owed to the crusaders.
. The crusaders divided eastern Rome into crusader vassal states.

78. How was Rome restored in the east?
. MIKHAEL VIII PALAIOLOGOS successfully conquered Constantinople and reclaimed the title of Basileus.

79. In what ways had Eastern Rome changed from ancient Rome?
. It was largely a Greek nation.
. The state religion was Christianity.

80. What events caused the longest gap in eastern Roman existence?
. Eastern Rome came under control of the Ottomans when Constantinople was sacked by Mehmed II in 1453 AD (2206 AVC) and then declared himself Kayser-i Rum.

81. How was the title of IMPERATOR AVGVSTVS granted in the west following the Golden Bull of 1356?
. A group of seven electors were chosen to vote on who would receive the title.

82. What is the significance of Charles V?
. He lead a unified the SACRVM IMPERIVM ROMANVM and Spain
. He had an influence in the Catholic and Protestant division.
. He was the last person to be granted the title of IMPERATOR AVGVSTVS by the Pope.

83. In what ways had the SACRVM IMPERIVM ROMANVM changed from ancient Rome?
. It was largely a German nation.
. It had no strong central power.

84. Why did Francis II end the SACRVM IMPERIVM ROMANVM?
. Napoleon had defeated him in battle and forced him to abdicate.

E. Modern History and Restoration

85. What are the six main lineages that link back to ancient Rome?
. The Pope through institutional succession linking back to Rome.
. The Spanish monarchs through the titles willed to Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile, by the nephew of KONSTANTINOS XI DRAGASES PALAIOLOGOS.
. The Romanovs through the marriage of the niece of KONSTANTINOS XI DRAGASES PALAIOLOGOS to Ivan III Vasilyevich.
. The Habsburgs through succession of the Francis II last leader of the SACRVM IMPERIVM ROMANVM.
. The lineage of Napoleon by right of conquest over the SACRVM IMPERIVM ROMANVM.
. The lineage of Mehmed II by right of conquest over eastern Rome.

86. What are two major events that happened between the end of the SACRVM IMPERIVM ROMANVM and the restoration of the SPQR in 2019 AD. (2772 AVC)?
. The Suez Canal opened 1869
. Guglielmo Marconi discovered long range radio transmission. 1896
. The Great War 1914
. World War II 1936
. The summit of Mount Everest first reached 1953
. Yuri Gagarin became the first human to reach space. 1961
. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first humans to walk on the moon. 1969
. Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web which revolutionized internet accessibility. 1989
. Soviet Union dissolved 1991

87. How was Rome restored in the 21st century?
. ROMVLVS IVLIVS CONSTANTINVS and LEO MAECILIVS GREGORIVS reinstituted the Consulship in December 2019 AD. (2772 AVC).


A. Geography

88. What are the Latin names of the seven hills of Rome?

89. Name one of the longest rivers in the claimed territory of the SPQR.
. Nile (7088 km, less than half in the territory)
. Danube (2860 km)
. Rhine (1236 km)
. Elbe (1091 km)
. Oder (1045 km)

90. Name one of the tallest mountains in the claimed territory of the SPQR.
. Mount Elbrus (5642 m)
. Mount Ararat (5137 m)
. Mount Blanc/Monte Blanco (4809 m)
. Dufourspitze (4634 m)
. Mount Bazardüzü(4466 m)
. Jbel Toubkal (4167 m)
. Mount Aragats (4090 m)
. Ouanoukrim (4088 m)
. Ighil Mgoun (4068 m)

91. What ocean is on the West Coast of the claimed territory of the SPQR?
. Atlantic (Ocean)

92. Name a major body of water that is on the East side of the claimed territory of the SPQR.
. Black Sea
. Caspian Sea
. Persian Gulf
. Red Sea

93. What city is the capital of the Senate and People of Rome?
. Rome

94. Name five countries that are wholly or partially included in the claimed territory of the Senate and People of Rome.
. Abkhazia*
. Albania
. Algeria
. Andorra
. Armenia*
. Artsakh*
. Austria
. Azerbaijan
. Belgium
. Bosnia and Herzegovina
. Bulgaria
. Croatia
. Cyprus*
. Czech Republic
. Egypt
. France
. Georgia
. Germany
. Greece
. Hungary
. Iran
. Iraq
. Israel*
. Italy
. Jordan
. Kaliningrad
. Kosovo*
. Kuwait
. Lebanon
. Libya
. Liechtenstein
. Luxembourg
. Macedonia
. Malta
. Monaco
. Montenegro
. Morocco
. Netherlands
. Northern Cyprus*
. Palestine*
. Poland
. Portugal
. Romania
. Russia
. San Marino
. Saudi Arabia
. Serbia
. Slovakia
. Slovenia
. South Ossetia*
. Spain
. Sudan
. Switzerland
. Syria
. Tunisia
. Ukraine
. United Kingdom
. Vatican City
*Nations with limited recognition

B. Symbols

95. Describe the emblem of the Senate and People of Rome.
. An eagle with wings raised, it holds lighting bolts in its talons, while perched on staff with orbs representing the solar system.

C. Holidays and Calendar

96. When do we celebrate the founding of Rome?
. April 21

97. Name two official Roman Holidays.
. Agonalia
. Sementivae
. Parentalia
. Lupercalia
. Caristia
. Equirria
. Feriae Marti
. Quinquatrus
. Veneralia
. Cerialia
. Lemuria
. Mercuralia
. Vestalia
. Ludi Victoriae Caesaris
. neptunalia
. Vulcanalia
. Ludi Romani
. Ludi Augustales
. Epulum Jovis
. Bona Dea
. Saturnalia
. Dies Natalis Solis Invicti

98. Describe the consular dating system.
. A system of describing years based on the first two consuls of that year.

D. Morals

99. What are three personal Roman virtues?
. Comitas. (ease of manner, courtesy, openness, friendliness)
. Constantia. (steadiness, perseverance, endurance)
. Clementia. (mercy, mildness, gentleness)
. Cultus (active cultivation of the gods)
. Disciplina. (self-control, education, training, restraint, modesty)
. Firmitas. (tenacity, strength of mind, the ability to stick to one's purpose)
. Frugalitas. (frugalness, economy, simplicity of style, without being miserly)
. Gravitas. (gravity, responsibility, earnestness, dignified self-control)
. Honestas. (respectibility)
. Humanitas. (humanity, refinement, civilization, learning, and being cultured)
. Industria. (industriousness, hard work)
. integritas. (soundness, integrity, wholeness)
. Pietas. (duty to gods, homeland, parents, family; respect for the natural order socially, politically, and religiously; patriotism and devotion to others; dedication)
. Prudentia. (prudence, foresight, wisdom, and personal discretion)
. Religio. (proper performance of rites in veneration of the gods, fulfilling the obligations of an oath)
. Salubritas. (wholesomeness, health, cleanliness, sense of morality)
. Severitas. (sternness, strictness)
. Veritas. (truthfulness, honesty)

100. What are three public Roman virtues?
. Abundantia. (abundance, plenty)
. Aequitas. (equity, fairness)
. Bonus Eventus. (Good fortune, remembrance of important positive events)
. Clementia. (clemency and mercy shown to other nations)
. Concordia. (concord, harmony among the Roman people and also between Rome and other nations)
. Felicitas. (happiness, prosperity)
. Fides. (trustworthiness, faithfulness, reliability, confidence, credibility, good faith in all commercial and governmental dealings)
. Fortuna. (fortune, an acknowledgement of positive events)
. Genius. (spirit of Rome)
. Hilaritas. (mirth, rejoicing, an expression of happy times)
. Honestas (honorable, moral actions, pride, reputation)
. innocentia. (selfless, uprightness, innocence, generous, simplicity, incorruptible, charitable)
. Iustitia. (justice, fairness, equity, order, responsible, empathy)
. Laetitia. (joy, gladness, thanksgiving)
. Liberalitas. (liberality, generous giving)
. Libertas. (freedom, liberty)
. Nobilitas. (noblility, noble actions)
. Ops. (wealth, acknowledgement of the prosperity of the Roman world)
. Patientia. (endurance, patience, the ability to weather storms and crisis)
. Pax. (peace)
. Providentia. (providence, forethought)
. Pudicitia. (humility, chastity)
. Salus. (safety, concern for public health and welfare)
. Securitas. (confidence and security brought by peace and efficient governance)
. Spes. (hope, especially during times of difficulty)
. Uberitas. (fertility, particularly concerning agriculture)
